Firework Categories Explained

Firework categories relate to the testing of the fireworks through type, purpose and level of hazard.

Categories are assigned to all fireworks and relates to the testing of the fireworks through type, purpose, hazard level, safe viewing distance and debris fallout.

  • F1 (Cat I) – Indoor Fireworks – these are a very low hazard and are intended for indoor use.
  • F2 (Cat II) – Garden Fireworks – these are a low hazard and are intended for outdoor use in areas such as gardens, they must be safely viewable from 5 metres away, and must scatter no debris beyond a 3-metre range
  • F3 (Cat III) – Display Fireworks – these are a medium hazard and are intended for outdoor use in large open areas such as fields, they must be safely viewable from 25 metres away, and must scatter no debris beyond a 20-metre range
  • F4 (Cat IV) – Professional Fireworks – these are a high hazard, and are used by professional firework display companies.

 Only categories F1, F2, & F3 are available to the general public.

The Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015